2021 NATIONAL COMPETITIONS FAQ2020-09-12T13:28:50-04:00
Who can participate in land routine and dry land skills events?2020-09-11T15:45:40-04:00

In general, all athletes who would have been eligible to attend in-water (whether in-person or virtual) versions of Qualifier and Nationals will be eligible to enter the land routine and dry land skills routine events. There may be some restrictions to registration – for instance, not ALL athletes may be able to compete in ALL skills events and may have to choose a few, and athletes may not be able to participate in more than one land routine. Further details will be published later.

These events may also be opened to more athletes if there is an interest and it’s feasible from a timing perspective.

How can we qualify for in-water events? What are the quotas?2020-09-11T14:43:48-04:00

Qualification for in-water events from Provincials to Qualifier, and from Qualifier to Canadians, can equally be based on in-person or virtual competitions.

The qualification quotas have not been changed from previous years.

When should we make travel arrangements?2020-09-11T14:41:52-04:00

We recommended waiting before making any travel arrangements for in-person events.

How did you set the decision deadlines?2020-09-11T14:40:28-04:00

Decision deadlines are the very latest dates by which decisions may be made regarding holding a specific event. They have been selected in order to strike the best balance possible between waiting long enough to have a realistic read of the situation in order to make an informed decision, and being early enough to allow clubs at least 2 months to finalize travel arrangements.

Decisions may be made earlier.

How would a virtual in-water competition work?2020-09-11T14:34:02-04:00

Clubs would have a deadline to send in videos of the routines they want to enter, using specific parameters when filming to maximize consistency. The routines would then be presented as part of a scheduled webcast event and judged live virtually by national officials.

Are we allowed to wear goggles?2020-09-11T14:18:01-04:00

The general rule for special accommodations for in-water events, including whether it will be allowed to perform with goggles, with swim caps or others, is that we will follow recommended guidelines to ensure participant safety and respect provincial restrictions. For instance, clubs who were not allowed to train without goggles would be allowed to compete with them, but others from a different area would also be allowed to compete without goggles, if safe to do so.

Will we need to swim routines in pattern?2020-09-11T14:14:07-04:00

National competitions will respect provincial restrictions for in-water events, and follow recommended guidelines to ensure participant safety. Clubs will be allowed to enter routines in different categories depending on training restrictions imposed in their area. Different categories may be added to accommodate everyone who would like to enter, including with/without highlights, with/without distancing, with/without patterns, moving/stationary, etc

Will there be highlights in team events?2020-09-11T14:12:52-04:00

National competitions will respect provincial restrictions for in-water events, and follow recommended guidelines to ensure participant safety. Clubs will be allowed to enter routines in different categories depending on training restrictions imposed in their area. Different categories may be added to accommodate everyone who would like to enter, including with/without highlights, with/without distancing, with/without patterns, moving/stationary, etc

What is the Dry Land Skills Competition, and what are the skills involved?2020-09-11T14:08:12-04:00

Virtual competition where athletes perform prescribed land skills. The menu of events is being built and will be based on a progression from the skills being used at provincial events. This event would only take place in the Virtual Dry Land competition option.

What is the Land Routine Event?2020-09-11T13:46:01-04:00

Land-based routine set to music, lasting 1:30 minutes, that incorporates a set of pre-defined land-based elements to be performed in a prescribed order by 1 to 12 athletes. This event will be held regardless of the selected competition option. Full technical package being completed by Opportunities Task Force and will be shared here as soon as possible. 

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