
CAS Annual Meeting – Celebrating, Looking to the Future, and bidding Fond Farewells

As Canada Artistic Swimming (CAS) held its 2022 Annual Meeting virtually, on Saturday, September 17th, it took time to celebrate accomplishments, to look to the future and to say farewell to some extraordinary members of the artistic swimming community. Honorary Life [...]

2022-09-19T11:52:48-04:00September 19th, 2022|

Canada Artistic Swimming Welcomes Sport Integrity Commissioner

Canada Artistic Swimming congratulates the Sport Dispute Resolution Centre of Canada (SDRCC) on its announcement today of Sarah-Ève Pelletier as Canada’s first Sport Integrity Commissioner.  The Office of the Sport Integrity Commissioner will operate independently to receive complaints about alleged violations [...]

2022-09-19T11:33:34-04:00April 6th, 2022|
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