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Checklist for Camp Oct 9, 2017
Medical Form Oct 5, 2017 Deadline to send in is November 10
Medical Consent Form Oct 5, 2017 Bring to camp
Anti-Doping Form Oct 5, 2017 Bring to camp
Mental Consultant Informed Consent Oct 5, 2017 Bring to camp
Respect in Sport Training – Instructions Sep 25 Deadline is Nov 10
How to apply to be invited to camp Sep 25 Read this document to find out how to be invited to camp

Criteria & Resources

Complete selection criteria and technical information is available on the National Team Selection Criteria page (password required).


No billeting will not be provided. Arranging and paying for accommodation, meals and transportation on site (taxis, parking etc.) will be the responsibility of the athlete. Synchro Canada has arranged for a block of rooms to be held at the Motel Universel, which is walking distance to the pool and will be available on a first come, first served basis. The Junior Groups at camp will each have their own “Group Leader, a former synchro athlete that will support and lead the group through all their camp activities.
The registration fee for camp is $750 and covers the cost of travel (Synchro Canada will arrange and pay for Travel) and all camp costs to operate camp (facilities, experts, coaches). Arranging and paying for accommodation, meals and transportation on site (taxis, parking etc.) will be the responsibility of the athlete
Registration begins at 1:30 on Wednesday, November 22. 2017. Camp Ends at 2:30 pm on Sunday, November 16, 2017.
There will not be chaperones at camp. At the past Trials, club coaches have attended camp with their athletes. Synchro Canada will work with Cub Coaches to ensure travel is coordinated, as much as possible, so that coaches and athlete are travelling together.
Athlete must attend camp if they wish to:

  • Participate in Phase One of the Selection process for the 2018 World Junior Championships Team to be selected to the 2017-2018 Junior Athlete Pool or;
  • Be selected to the 2017-2018 Senior/Next Gen Athlete Pool or;
  • Be selected for nomination to Sport Canada’s Athlete Assistance Program (carding).

It is a requirement to attend camp, so athletes that do not submit completed medical forms will not be permitted to attend and participate in camp
Yes, any coach registered with Synchro Canada for the 2017-2018 season may attend camp and watch. They must register to attend no later than November 10, 2017 by emailing  [email protected]. They must also have completed the Respect In Sport Module no later than November 17, 2017.
Unfortunately they cannot to due the very limited amount of space in the facilities and the restricted access to the facilities at INS (institute national du sport du Québec)
No extensions. Cut-off date for registration is Oct. 20, to give us enough time to finalize the schedule, set up the groups.
No, the technical elements and routine set submitted videos must be done without goggles.
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